Wilson Electronics Enterprise 4330R Rack MNT Kit

  • Part: 2146697
  • Model: 463075


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Enterprise 4330 cell signal amplifier system now incorporates Wilson Electronics channelization technology. Specific subblocks within a cell band can be selected for amplification. This capability proves critical in situations in which a strong outside carrier signal is interfering on a frequency band. Filtering can also be essential in installations where only one specific carrier is required. The Enterprise 4330 also incorporates standard WilsonPro Enterprise features such as split mode a.k.a MultiTower Targeting , XDR eXtended Dynamic Range: never shuts down due to a strong signal, and an easytouse color LCD screen.This kit includes: 460075, 314411, 304412 qty. 4,952300 qty. 5, 952302, 859902